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"Demons" by Imagine Dragons


The song "Demons" by Imagine Dragon's gives us the song writers view of the "dark side" that we all have within us. The song portrays the internal battle we all fight during the tough times in life.


When we are down in the deepest depths of hell we idealize those who seem as of they are saints, when in reality they are the same as us. The depression the narrator feels keeps resurfacing. The "dark side" cannot be suppressed. He must face his "demons" and triumph over his depression. No matter how well one tries to live their life they are always faced with an uncontrollable darkness and must chose to conquer or give in to it. In this case the narrator chooses to destroy his demons with the "light" behind the "eyes" of the second party.

4 MOST Important Literary Devices:

The author's use of metaphor, repetition, tone and conceit are the most important. The author uses many metaphors such as "Look into my eyes, it's where my demons hide" to show the elevation of the demons that the narrator is trying to hide. This is a metaphor for the things we all hide behind our eyes. We all see thing, feel thing and think things that we are unable to share. This metaphor amplifies that idea and expresses it. The authors use of repetition stabilizes the song and gives the reader a concrete idea that each repeated line represents. The authors use of tone and shift envelop the reader in such a way that he can imagine his/her own demons and can experience triumph over them. The tone shifts from depressing to triumphant in the line "When you feel my heat..." This give the reader the enticing feeling of destroying their own inhibitions. Conceit is another important device used throughout the song. The song has a clear conceit extending the entirety of the poem, "demons" are a metaphor for the things we all hide. We all experience thing that we want to suppress; however, we must shed light on to the situation and allow them to surface so we can face them.

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