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The Killing Joke Comic/The Dark Knight Movie Questions

The Killing Joke Comic/The Dark Knight Movie

1. How is the depiction of The Joker in "The Killing Joke" similar to The Dark Knight? How is it different?

In “The Killing Joke”, the Joker is still very much a lunatic as he was in The Dark Knight; however, we are given a glimpse into the Joker’s previous life in TKJ that shows us why he is the way that he is. We also see a change in the physical appearance of the Joker. The scars that are present in TDK are no longer apart of the character. In a sense this Joker is more cartoony and “kid friendly,” not that children should be reading these comics.

2. What is the theme in "TKJ"? What is the theme in TDK?

In “The Killing Joke,” there is a theme of erratic amusement as the Joker is put into the spotlight as the main character. In The Dark Knight there is a theme of heroism as the Batman tries to save the town from the lunatic, the Joker, terrorizing it.

3. In what ways is The Joker a moral nihilist? Give examples and quotes from both mediums.

The Joker is very much a moral nihilist in both “The Killing Joke” and The Dark Knight. In the comic, if we look at his conversation of with the Batman he says, “All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy.” He believes there is not good and no evil, only fate and chance. The Joker believes that our fates can be manipulated at the drop of a hat, as his was. His wife was killed in a freak electrical accident and it changed his life, he had nothing to live for, he submerged himself in chemicals that made him into the lunatic he is.

In The Dark Knight the Joker is also a fan of chance and fate, however he feels that he is made to control everyone else’s. Much like Chiguruh in No Country For Old Men , the Joker is trying to right the wrongs of society through more crimes. The Joker says, “You see, their morals, their code, it’s a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They’re only as good as the world allows them to be. I’ll show you. When the chips are down, these… these civilized people, they’ll eat each other. See, I’m not a monster. I’m just ahead of the curve.” This indicates the he thinks he’s the norm of society. He is murdering for a “purpose.” He has no rules, not ethics and no care for law and society.

4. List the 3 most important quotes from "TKJ" and how they relate to the psychology of The Joker.

One of the three most important quotes revealing the psychology of the joker is “There are girls on the street who earn that in a weekend without having to tell single joke.” This quote is an example of his hate for society. He and his wife struggled, when prostitutes were living a lavish life of luxury. Society had not cared about him, why must he them?

Another quote that is of great importance would be, “It’s all a joke! Anything anybody ever valued or struggled for…it’s all a monstrous demented gag!” The Joker is just that a joker. He related everything to comedy, even the struggles of society. He and his wife struggled, and he lost all he valued, his family, comedy and normalcy. He truly believes it’s all a joke and we’re all just waiting to die.

My favorite quote, however, is from the joke at the end, “The first guy jumps right across with no problem…The second guy just shakes his head, he says ‘What do you thing I’m crazy, you’d turn it off when I was halfway across’.” The Joker is untrusting, you cannot trust him nor can he trust anyone else. He could be either in the story. Throughout the comic it is evident that the Joker is clearly mad. He laughs constantly and is always joking. This joke, being the last three pages in the comic seems out of place; however with the joker erratic mental state it’s perfect.

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